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【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

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【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

I. 本週戰況Standings

經過春節短暫的休息後,歡迎各位召喚師回到 LMS 聚光燈 !
Welcome back to LMS Spotlight after a Chinese new year hiatus!

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

本週收錄四場短兵相接的比賽,第一輪大戰即將結束,各方勢力無不希望在這最後機會拉高排名。首先以 XG vs. HKE 拉開序幕, HKE 忠於自我風格,輸掉第一場沒關係,第二場響起反攻的號角拿下勝利,如此戲碼已是本季第四次上演。Yo 靠著酒桶打下生涯代表作,數次成功 Dive 塔下擊殺對方英雄。Rokenia 的飛斯表現也不惶多讓, 第二場壓制 Suwako 的劫還以顏色。搖搖欲墜的 CGE 本週試圖拉下 MSE 來脫離老八的窘境,但看來就連 SpeaR 以 3/0/1 李星開局也拯救不了 CGE, CGE 仍然位居第八作收。M17 對線期看似壓制閃電狼,但後期團戰明顯劣勢, M17 無法正確解讀戰局並做出反應,導致閃電狼最終獲得兩勝。TPA vs. ahq 前期以五五波開局,但後期 TPA 會戰無法與 ahq 比擬,ahq 保有 21 分領先穩坐頂峰。

This week featured four close match ups, and a final chance to shake up the rankings in the closing week of our first round of games. First up was XG versus HKE. True to HKE style, they lost the first game but took the second, the fourth time they’ve done so this split. Yo had a career game on Gragas, knocking out HKE members in multiple tower dives. Rokenia’s Fizz was the highlight of game two, out dueling Suwako’s Zed to keep things even. CGE were given a chance to overtake MSE in the standings to avoid last place, but not even a 3/0/1 Lee Sin start from SpeaR could save his teammates as they languish in 8th place. M17 looked good in the laning phase versus Flash Wolves, but were outclassed when it came to teamplay down the stretch, the inability to read-and-react gave FW the sweep. TPA vs. AHQ was a similarly tense at the start, but when it came to teamfighting TPA couldn’t hold a candle against their opponents. ahq remain undefeated at the top with 21 points.

II. Meta 分析Meta Watch

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

閃電狼跟 ahq 本週陣容有一相似之處,就是各養一隻不死坦克。近期版本”最強之矛”打法崛起,熱門的鏡爪、葛雷夫打野,EZ、葵恩單人線,雙 AD 可說是目前最炙手可熱的組合。而也有人開始偏好”最強之盾”,Rins 的 493 防禦值讓 Dee 的復仇之矛變成蚊子叮般的搔癢,從數據上來看, 物理傷害足足被降低 83.1% 。

Both Flash Wolves and ahq routed their opponents in teamfights this week with one point in common: having an unkillable tank. Double AD has undoubtedly been one of the hottest compositions these few patches, with Kindred, Graves in the jungle and Ezreal, Quinn in the solo lanes. With the rise of the sword, so comes the rise of the the shield. Rin’s 493 armor turned Dee’s vengeful spears into a loving massage. For reference, that’s 83.1% damage reduction from physical sources.

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

Maple 第一場剛普朗克曾被嚴重批評,火藥桶幾乎沒有發揮效用,這次他一雪前恥,在 M17 面前精準展現爆破的藝術。Maple 配裝最有趣的是活用價格較低的幻影之舞,以及時常被忽略的風暴浪湧天賦。配裝加上無視單位碰撞整體跑速提高 87%,藉此高速靈活分推並避開 BoBo ,會戰時又能快速追殺 Dee,如此滑溜令人難以招架。

Maple was criticized for his first Gangplank game, barely landing any barrels. This time around, it was obvious that Maple had put a lot of effort in picking up his piratey ways, blasting M17 to smithereens, barrel after barrel. Perhaps what is most interesting about his build is the utilization the cheaper Phantom Dancer and the much neglected Stormraider’s Surge. With a Ghost effect and a combined 87% movement speed increase, he was able to evade BoBo in the splitpush, while stick to Dee in teamfights(sorry Dee you had a bad week). Slippery indeed.

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

本季目前的 112 次 SUP 選角中,只有16 次是非坦型輔助,六成為亞歷斯塔、瑟雷西、或特朗德。很明顯的妹子輔助們(索娜、珍娜、索拉卡)已經被冷落在一旁了。坦型輔助在目前 meta 掌握許多優勢、跳錢,法師型輔助冷卻時間與減 CD 裝備都有一定的上限,但坦型輔助在隊友面前承受傷害可沒有任何限制,只要坦的住都行。除非接下來的 meta 能讓法師型輔助發揮更多潛力,或是輔助跳錢被大砍,不然應該會繼續看到大坦克出場英雄救美。

Out of 112 support picks this season, only 16 picks have been non-tanky supports. 60% of supports picks have been Alistar, Thresh or Trundle. It is becoming abundantly clear that ladies(Sona, Janna, Soraka) of bot lane need some love. In a meta where supports are getting more free gold, tanks reign supreme. There are inherent limits in CC time and the amount CDR you can acquire with money, but close to no limits on body blocking if you’re tanky. Unless mage supports are given additional scaling potential, or support gold is significantly cut, we will continue to see manly heroes coming to the rescue.

III. 每週 MVP Player of the Week

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

CorGi 實現 carry MSE 的承諾,過去兩週帶領 MSE 打出相當高的傷害數據,獨有一場例外,但也靠 CorGi 以 5/0/3 震驚了 TPA。上一季 CorGi 給大家的印象是非常”保守”的選手,選擇以希維爾和路西恩對線讓 Chunx 遊走。他的傷害貢獻維持在 29 %,但他對線前 10 分鐘 CS 平均差異數則是可怕的 – 15.8。本季則是大大的改善了這個數字,他的前 10 分鐘 CS 平均差異數來到正 9 ,前 10 分鐘經濟領先 300,就是跟擊殺英雄一樣多啦!

CorGi has more than delivered on his promise to carry Midnight Sun. He has led his team in damage for the past two weeks aside from one game, and that was the game MSE upset TPA with CorGi going 5/0/3. Last season CorGi was known as a “safe” laner, opting for Sivir and Lucian to clear waves while Chunx roamed. He kept up a good 29% damage share, but his laning was marked by a horrid -15.8 CSD@10. This season, his CSD@10 is +9.0, and his GD@10 is 300. Hint: that is exactly the amount of gold you get for slaying an enemy champion.

IV. 每週最精彩 Game of the Week

XGamers vs. Hong Kong eSports Game 2

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 5 週

Westdoor 前輩看到這場對決應該很欣慰,兩位 LMS 中路新人 SuwaKo 跟 Rokenia 致敬般的雙雙拿出刺客角劫跟飛斯出戰。多次小碰撞染血整座峽谷,總數 51 的英雄擊殺以及後期多次秀操作的精采表現,HKE 最終靠著較為優勢的後期組合拿下這場勝利。

Westdoor would approve of this game. Two LMS rookie mid laners SuwaKo and Rokenia took to the rift on assassin champions Zed and Fizz respectively. The result: a tight skirmish game that saw bloodshed across the map. 51 champion deaths and many mechanical showdowns later, HKE emerged victorious with a better late game scaling composition.





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