When informing your boss about your sick leave, keep things to the point without over-explaining your illness and symptoms. Instead, briefly explain why you're taking a sick leave (e.g. contagious illness such as flu and cold, stomach flu or family issues) and state your approximation of the period you'll be away.
Is 26 too old to join the military?Unfortunately, the age limit for joining the military currently ranges from 17 to 41 years old. The age limit differs based on branch and type of enlistment. Below we break down military age limits by active duty, then take a look at National Guard and Reserves age limits.national service singapore timeline
Can you avoid military service in Singapore?Under the Enlistment Act, all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, unless exempted* are required to serve National Service (NS).
How long is the enlistment process?You'll officially complete the process of joining the Military once you meet all of the Service requirements assessed at MEPS. The process typically takes one to two days, with food and lodging provided.
Can you enlist for 2 years?Soldiers who opt for the two-year plan and are found eligible will do two years of active duty, followed by two years in the Reserve and then four years in the Inactive Ready Reserve, he said.accounting degree
How long does it take to get sent to Basic Training after enlisting?It's important to note that the time between being "sworn in" and Basic Training could be as short as two days or as long as a year. It also varies based on job assignment and branch of Service.
Can you just say no to the draft?Refuse to serve.
This is a final option. Just don't do it. However, you will have to face harsh consequences for refusal. In the US, during wartime and peacetime drafts, people have been jailed for refusing to be inducted into the military.
There have been several changes to the NS scheme over the years; currently, each enlistee is required under the Enlistment Act to serve as a full-time national serviceman (NSF) for a maximum of two years.
Is 21 too late to enlist?Here are the requirements to become an enlisted Soldier: Age: Between 17-35 years old.
What is the 2 month rule for NSF?NSF Definition
The National Science Foundation states that [As a general policy, NSF limits the salary compensation requested in the proposal budget for senior personnel to no more than two months of their regular salary in any one year. This limit includes salary compensation received from all NSF-funded grants.