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808 小時 
發表於 07-4-21 09:56 AM |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
- 魔術師介紹 -


[ 本帖最後由 Ka文 於 2008-3-24 04:28 PM 編輯 ]

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808 小時 
發表於 07-4-21 09:56 AM |只看該作者


Lu Chen (劉謙)




繁體中文版本    唯一曾受邀至拉斯維加斯及好萊塢魔術城堡演出的台灣魔術師。目前在台灣,日本,及歐美各地活躍當中。並多次收邀至世界各地的國際性魔術師大會擔任演出嘉賓及專題講座的講師。

    劉謙是台灣第一位,也是獲得過最多國際獎項肯定的魔術師,其中包括了世界魔術研討會(World Magic Seminar Asia)魔術比賽冠軍以及魔術界最高榮譽之一的美國魔術學院頒發的「年度最佳手法獎」(Neil Foster - Bill Baird Award for Excellenct in Manipulation) 等等。

    除此之外,劉謙更於2003年12月經由財團法人日本職業魔術協會全體會員票選為年度最佳外國魔術師( Magician of the Year)。

    2005年其著作「啊!敗給魔術」及「啊!敗給魔術PART 2」位居金石堂,博客萊,與誠品等各大書店暢銷排行榜連續半年。並榮獲博客來網路書店評選為2005年度百大暢銷書第24名。


1988年獲大衛考柏非(David Copperfield) 頒發全國兒童魔術比賽冠軍

1998"Formosa International Magic Convention"世界魔術大會最佳創意獎

1998年獲美國魔術師協會日本分會 「SAM JAPAN」頒發特別獎及招聘狀

2000年大阪"International Magic Convention In Naniwa"國際魔術大賽冠軍。





2003年世界魔術研討會"World Magic Seminar Asia" 冠軍

2005年美國CHAVEZ魔術學院頒發 尼爾‧佛斯特獎 - 2005年度傑出手法

2005年美國”Abbott`s Magic Get-together”魔術大會 觀眾票選最佳演出嘉賓獎

[ 本帖最後由 Ka文 於 2007-12-15 04:36 PM 編輯 ]

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808 小時 
發表於 07-4-21 10:00 AM |只看該作者


Cyril (佐藤政道)



English VersionIt is one thing to hear of a great magician or of something magical, but to see with your own eyes a true master magician at work is something very, very special. Performing artist Cyril is taking the world by storm ? amazing all that see him perform.

Cyril is quickly establishing himself as one the hottest new stars in Japan. In June of 2004 Cyril completed his third two-hour magic special in just two years for TV Tokyo and the response to his shows has been phenomenal. In his latest magic special Cyril blew away viewers by bungee diving headfirst off a Las Vegas Hotel, sword in his hand, to successfully pierce a previously chosen card floating amongst a full deck in a pool of water below. Incredible ? not to mention a bit crazy! Television audiences were once again treated to a visit by Cyril's magical relative, the charming Grandpa Cyril, perhaps the oldest professional performing magician. Viewers also met one of Cyril's magical friends, the talented but annoying Dero. Cyril's magic is original, highly visual and stylish in its presentation and he is envied and admired among his magician peers. Cyril does not limit his cutting-edge work to Japan. In the US Cyril is a member of Magic X Live, a group of 10 of the hottest young magicians in the world who quickly rip apart the outdated image of the rabbit and top hat magician and are changing the way we look at magic. Check out Magic X Live at www.magicxlive.com
Members of Magic X Live have recently collaborated to create a mind-blowing new television program, T.H.E.M.Totally Hidden Extreme Magic. Airing in the US, Australia and the UK, the program features the group of young magicians, or "THEM", baffling unsuspecting bystanders with wild magic and illusions all while being secretly filmed with hidden cameras. The show mixes Candid Camera with the world of magic and the first two episodes have had awesome reviews.

Born and raised in Hollywood California to an Okinawan father and French-Moroccan mother, Cyril first encountered magic at age 6 when a family friend took him to Las Vegas to see a magic show. He was immediately hooked and began to practice magic everyday, often to the dismay of his parents and teachers. As a young teenager Cyril was accepted into the youth program at California's famous Magic Castle where, surrounded by his magic mentors, he began to gain skills that would help him to become a professional performer.
Cyril is an award-winning magician of the highest order. In 1994 F.I.S.M.(Federation International Society du Magique) awarded Cyril top prize in the Grand Illusion Category. It was this prestigious award, in what is known as the "Olympics of Magic" that broke Cyril onto the international stage.
In 1997 Cyril met his partner, choreographer and dancer Jane, and together they began to develop a new act. Jane admits that "magic threw my whole notion of dance and performance on its head" as the unpredictability and intensity of magic presented her whole new set of challenges. The result of their hard work is stunning. Together on stage, Cyril and Jane are on the cutting edge of performance art. Their fusion of dance and magic in finely choreographed routines is groundbreaking.To see them together on stage is to watch moving poetry of wonder.

In 2001, all the hard work paid off and Cyril and Jane captured the highly coveted Golden Lion Award at Siegfried and Roy's World Magic Seminar in Las Vegas.

Cyril is constant demand for live appearances all over the world and he carefully plans and crafts shows to fit the particular demands of each venue and the clients with whom he works. Close-up, Parlor Magic, Grand Illusion shows, he does it all.
In our modern technological world we encounter special effects and visual tricks in the media daily. What remains timeless is the sense of awe one experiences when presented face-to-face with phenomena that defy the laws of nature. The magic of Cyril inspires this awe.
Cyril has many new exciting projects up his sleeves ? the best is yet to come!

[ 本帖最後由 Ka文 於 2007-12-15 04:37 PM 編輯 ]

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808 小時 
發表於 07-4-21 10:00 AM |只看該作者


David Copperfield(大衛高柏菲)


David Copperfield官方網站


[ 本帖最後由 Ka文 於 2007-12-15 04:38 PM 編輯 ]

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702 小時 
發表於 07-4-23 02:04 AM |只看該作者

魔術師介紹------Dai Vernon ----The Professor

Dai Vernon - 原名叫 David Frederick Wingfield Verner,生于1894年6月11日加拿大的渥太華,他在小孩的時期就已經很喜歡魔術,而他的偶像正是 Nate Leipzig 和 Max Malini。除了喜歡魔術外,他在讀書時期更是體育健將,還擔任過冰上曲棍球隊長。

    Dai Vernon 在1913年正式開始他的魔術事業,當時他只身去到紐約闖江湖,但由于他只得廿歲左右,所以不太被魔術界所重視。潦倒的他常到處以經營剪影藝術幫補生計,但這並沒有阻撓到他對魔術的熱誠,在他的努力之下,終奠定了他成為一代魔術大師的基礎。
    在他八歲他的爸爸帶了他看了一個魔術表演,這一個魔術表演便改變他的一生,他擁有第一本魔術書名叫"Expert at the Card Table", by S. W. Erdnase,在他13歲他巳把"Expert at the Card Table"的內容記熟了.

    他之所以改其藝名為 "Dai Vernon",原來是有段很有趣的故仔的, "Dai" 這個字是源于一份報紙的排版錯誤,誤將 "David" 串成了 "Dai";同時由于當時有一隊流行的美國跳舞組合叫做 "Vernon & Irene Castle",所以很多紐約人誤將他的姓氏 "Verner" 讀成 "Vernon"。如此這般,他就索性改其藝名為我們熟悉的 "Dai Vernon" 了!

    而真正令到 Dai Vernon 一舉成名的,是源于他在 1919 年去到芝加哥時,正好遇上了另一個魔術界的神話 - "Harry Houdini"!當時 Houdini 曾夸口說沒有人能夠在他面前重復做同一個魔術三次而他看不穿的,但他偏偏遇上了 Dai Vernon。這次比試最後由 Dai Vernon 勝出了,他在 Houdini 面前重復做了同一個魔術八次但 Houdini 仍然看不穿他的方法,而這個魔術正正就是我們所熟悉的 "Ambitious Card Trick"!

    就此,他以 "The Man Who Fooled Houdini" 的名號在二三十年代聲名大噪,而他對近距離魔術的貢獻更是影響深遠,可謂現代近距離魔術之父。很多本來效果一般的魔術去到他的手上,經他改動一番後均成為了經典,而他亦發明了不少至今我們亦耳熟能詳的魔術,如 "Twisting the Aces" "Twisting The Aces"等。

    在六十年代中,Dai Vernon 離開了東岸去到加州,並深深地愛上了 "Magic Castle" 這個地方,故常在此流連忘返。他很樂意與後輩們分享他對魔術的知識和心得,並且收了數名徒弟,包括:Ricky Jay、Larry Jenning、Michael Ammar、Michael Skinner 和 David Roth 等等。他對于作育英才的熱誠,令到他的朋友 Garrick Spencer 給了他一個名號 - "The Professor",自此這個名號就被廣泛流傳而成為了 Dai Vernon 的標志。

    Dai Vernon 無可置疑是二十世紀對魔術最具影響力的大師,雖然這位一代巨匠在 1992 年與世長辭,享年 98 歲,但他將永遠永遠活在我們的心中......

Dai Vernon Cups & Balls:

Dai Vernono:3 Cards Monte

[ 本帖最後由 Ka文 於 2007-5-8 08:28 PM 編輯 ]
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808 小時 
發表於 07-6-9 09:44 AM |只看該作者
David Blaine(大衛布萊恩)


David Blaine官方網站

English VersionStreet Magic
David Blaine began his career by bringing street magic to the public, performing card tricks and illusions such as levitation or bringing dead flies back to life. He used a small camera crew to record his act live in front of everyday people providing the basis for his television specials, David Blaine: Street Magic and David Blaine: Magic Man. His first television special, David Blaine: Street Magic influenced the way magic is performed and portrayed on television. With its strong focus on spectators' reactions and showmanship, Blaine entertained unsuspecting pedestrians without the use of the typical magic props used by other magicians.

Premature Burial
Beginning on April 5, 1999, Blaine spent seven days buried inside a glass coffin at the bottom of an open pit in front of a New York City building provided to him by Donald Trump. Water was poured in, filling the hole, before an acrylic glass top was placed over it as a cover. The surrounding area was covered in dirt. Passers by could watch him 24 hours a day. He emerged on April 12 on schedule. In a homemade video, a shadow on top of the coffin forms a cross, which Blaine comments on in his book.

Frozen in Time
On November 27, 2000, Blaine began a stunt called "Frozen in Time," which was covered on a TV special. Blaine stood in a closet of ice located in Times Square, New York. A tube provided him with air and water while his urine was removed with another tube. He was encased in the box of ice for 61 hours, 42 minutes, and 15 seconds before being removed.[1] The ice was on a stand, with space between the ground, and the ice was transparent, to prove he was inside the ice the whole time. He was taken to the hospital immediately after being removed because doctors feared he was going into shock. [2]

Blaine's next stunt was called "Vertigo." On 22 May 2002, Blaine performed the stunt in Bryant Park, New York City, where a crane lifted him onto a 105 ft (27 m) high and 22 in (56 cm) wide pillar. He remained on the pillar for exactly 34 hours and 23 minutes. With his legs weak from standing atop the pillar for so long, he ended the feat by jumping down onto a landing platform made of a 12 foot (3.7 m) high pile of cardboard boxes and suffered a minor concussion.[3]

Mysterious Stranger
On October 29, 2002, Random House published David Blaine's Mysterious Stranger: A Book of Magic. Part autobiography, part history of magic, and part armchair treasure hunt, the book also includes instructions on how to perform card tricks and illusions.
The treasure hunt, Blaine's $100,000 Challenge, was devised by game designer Cliff Johnson, creator of The Fool's Errand, and solved by Sherri Skanes on March 20, 2004, 16 months after the book's publication.
The Official Solution
The Winner's Tale

Above the Below
David Blaine suspended in front of City Hall, London (October 3, 2003)On September 5, 2003, Blaine began his 44-day endurance stunt sealed inside a transparent Plexiglas case suspended 30 feet (9 m) in the air to Potters Fields Park on the south bank of the River Thames in London. The case, measuring 3ft by 3ft by 7ft (0.9 x 0.9 x 2.1 m), had a webcam installed so that viewers could observe his progress. Blaine went 44 days without any food or nutrients, just 4.5 liters of water per day. The New England Journal of Medicine published a paper that documented his 44 day fast and the re-feeding that is perhaps the most dangerous part (see below).
The stunt became the subject of much media attention and a large degree of derision and ridicule. For example, Page 3 girls and glamour models from various men's magazines flashed at him and a burger was flown up to the box by a remote-controlled helicopter as a taunt [2]. It caused speculation when eggs that had been thrown from the crowd were cleared from the box, as he wasn't meant to communicate with anyone. British documentary makers Richard Gordon and Lauren Hannon reported in their documentary Below the Above that five people lived below Blaine to show their support for what he was doing.[citation needed]
Blaine emerged on schedule on October 19, murmuring "I love you all!" and was quickly hospitalized. He appeared gaunt and he claimed to have lost 54 pounds (24.5 kg) during his fast.

Drowned Alive
David Blaine at Lincoln Center, sharing a moment with a fan as spectators look on (2 May 2006).On May 1, 2006, Blaine was submerged in a 2.4 metre (8 feet) diameter, water-filled sphere (isotonic saline, 0.9% salt) in front of the Lincoln Center in New York City for a planned seven days and seven nights, using tubes for air and nutrition. He concluded this event by attempting to hold his breath underwater to break the world record of 8 minutes, 58 seconds. Blaine also tried to free himself from handcuffs and chains put on him upon coming out after the week in the sphere.[4] He seemed to have trouble escaping from the last of the handcuffs. Blaine failed in his attempt, holding his breath for 7 minutes and 33 seconds before showing signs of distress and being pulled up by the support divers.[5] Blaine did claim to have succeeded in setting a record for being fully submerged in water for more than seven days straight (177 hours). Blaine underwent multiple short hospital visits after the stunt ended and has entered an agreement with doctors from Yale University to monitor him in order to study the human physiological reaction to prolonged submersion.[6] During the stunt, doctors witnessed skin breakdown at the hands and feet, and liver failure.
In an interview on The Howard Stern Show on Sirius satellite radio, Blaine spoke of the week-long fasting he did before the "drowning alive" stunt, to avoid having to be concerned with defecation. For urine, he wore an external, condom-style catheter.
His attempt to break the breath holding record was somewhat controversial due to his breathing pressurized air from a regulator. Breath holding athletes typically breathe above water, at atmospheric pressure, before submerging for their record breaking attempts. Therefore Blaine may have had a physiological advantage due to higher oxygen saturation of the blood.

On November 19, 2006, Blaine announced his next stunt. He told reporters that he would be suspended 50 feet[7] in the air while strapped by shackles inside a giant gyroscope. His goal was to escape from his shackles after the gyroscope had been spinning for 16 hours. The gyroscope was constantly spinning at a rate of eight revolutions per minute while hanging above an empty lot in Manhattan near Times Square.
The stunt began on November 21, 2006, with Blaine declaring, "This one's exciting for me. This one's a fun one." After spinning in shackles in the gyroscope for two days, Blaine emerged with a crash only a half hour after being allowed to try.[8]
As a result of his success, Blaine led 100 children selected by The Salvation Army on a shopping spree at Target, after each child received a $500 gift certificate from the retailer. Blaine said the stunt was particularly important since The Salvation Army had provided him with clothing while he was growing up. "This challenge is close to my heart," Blaine said.

[ 本帖最後由 Ka文 於 2007-6-9 10:07 AM 編輯 ]

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702 小時 
發表於 07-6-13 01:10 PM |只看該作者

Fred Kaps(1926-1980)唯一在FISM 連續3次Grand Prize

Fred Kaps(1926-1980)Rotterdam, Holland
本名︰Abraham Bongers
   有一個小男孩很喜歡表演魔術給他的朋友和親戚看,他的魔術是從一個喜歡變魔術娛樂顧客的理髮師- Abraham身上學到的,在二次世界大戰時,他被徵招入伍,取了藝名”Mystica”表演戲法娛樂荷蘭的部隊,大戰結束之後,他繼續他的表演生涯,成為了一位大師,1950年,他在西班牙巴塞隆納贏得了世界魔術大賽的總冠軍(Grand Prize),從此全世界開始認識這位傑出的表演者,他改用了”Fred Kaps”這個名字,並且一共贏得了三次FISM總冠軍(Grand Prize)


KAPS 是個高大且具有一雙大手的表演者,他的手法程序總是優雅中帶著一點幽默。1980他得到Hollywood的”The academy of Magical Arts”所頒發的"Teacher"榮譽頭銜,他的魔術技巧非常的熟練圓滑,使得他不論是在理論上,了或是實際的魔術演出都非常的完美。對於一般觀眾,他可以在桌面上演出令人震驚不已的表演;也能使他的朋友有如被施魔法般的對他的表演印象深刻。他精通紙牌、雜技、硬幣等魔術的技巧,他也不用精密的大道具或是動物做表演,他的”傢伙’就是一個小的手提箱而已。他為小孩子及眾多的觀眾,還有許多皇室名人表演,同時也多次受邀在歐洲及美國的電視台表演。

Kaps的表演有種迷人的風格,他的表演風格連魔術都都非常喜歡看,他將鈔票的圖案印在空白的紙牌上面,使他可以用它們來表演Card Manipulation,知名的魔術大師Dai Vernon對Fred Kaps和他的魔術有極高的評價。

1948 Lausanne  - Willane, England
1949 Amsterdam  - Viggo Jahn, Denmark
1950 Barcelona  - Fred Kaps "Mystica", Holland
1951 Paris - Geoffrey Buckingham, England
1952 Geneva - Moroso, Italia
1955 Amsterdam  - Fred Kaps, Holland
1958 Vienna - Tonny Van Dommelen, Holland
1961 Liege - Fred Kaps , Holland

Coins and Silk (Dai Vernon 創作,教授Kaps)
Fred Kaps' Currency
Homing Card (  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ6veWZQ9Hw )
Floating Cork
Chinese Coin Routine
Fred Kaps' Purse
Signed Card to the Box
Coin Off Ribbon
Fred Kaps' Wallet
Short Change Trick
Smoke to Glass
Smoke in Thumb
Migration Miracle(他表演了非常多次)

Fred Kaps Fism Act  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5GYtuzMNs0

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