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[戰略] 《帝國:全面戰爭》簡/繁體中文漢化版[8G]更新漢化補丁and d3dx9_40.dll下載點 attachment agree  ...2345 omaymay 09-4-12 9832434 bigeyeson111 09-11-8 08:12 PM
[戰略] [BT]紅色警戒3 高壓硬盤版 (可連線) [巳破解及繁化] 青乂月 09-10-25 85069 sisusum 09-10-29 08:55 PM
[戰略] [轉] 西風狂詩曲2-暴風雨 中文版[CN] attachment hellob 09-8-15 1812035 freeofme 09-10-19 03:40 PM
[戰略] [信長之野望13天道 ][日文官方試玩版213mb][遊俠] attachment agree  ...2 天衣無縫 09-9-4 3415274 CBQY 09-10-19 06:00 AM
[戰略] 《Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor》(增加修改器+11)(更新檔)漢化程式+解鎖章節 attachment agree  ...23456 sky_wimdu 09-4-10 11143476 y12312314 09-10-18 09:32 AM
[戰略] 好柬西 disagree K680523 09-10-8 31635 wincy1314 09-10-8 08:18 PM
[戰略] [衝突世界之蘇聯進攻][World in Conflict Soviet Assault][EN] attachment agree  ...234 火野亂太郎 09-3-11 6230040 ~俊.. 09-10-7 09:06 PM
[戰略] 舊game推介[世紀爭霸I]:好好玩 attachment  ...23 ha1ha2ha3 09-3-3 4313116 小遺五 09-9-28 08:41 PM
[戰略] [Order Of War][戰爭命令][EN][DVD9] attachment agree  ...2 火野亂太郎 09-9-19 2111108 makkwokyin 09-9-28 03:04 AM
[戰略] [轉帖][紀元1404免安裝綠色簡體中文完整版/左賢王漢化正式版][2.33G][長期] attachment agree  ...2 古仔` 09-8-27 216437 soos0091aaa 09-9-25 09:57 AM
[戰略] [轉貼][魔獸爭霸3世紀典藏版 原版+資料片][繁體中文版][2CD][1.34G] attachment  ...2 ncm_man 09-3-4 3015952 zarg12345 09-9-24 07:50 AM
[戰略] 戰爭命令 Order.Of .War-CPY (BT及Http下載) attachment oct04 09-9-21 13155 Nike楊 09-9-21 08:16 PM
[戰略] [轉遊俠] [Codename Panzers Cold War][代號裝甲之冷戰][EN][DVD] attachment agree Mi哥 09-4-15 138707 J梅;D 09-9-17 02:31 PM
[戰略] [Men Of War][戰爭之人破解版][EN][DVD9][6GB] attachment  ...2 火野亂太郎 09-2-20 3915826 KenPark 09-9-12 02:33 PM
[戰略] 【轉自遊俠】[Faces.of.War][戰爭的真相][簡繁體中文版][1.44G][已加入youtube影片] attachment agree  ...2 qer01234 09-6-26 257365 jacks111 09-9-11 10:46 PM
[戰略] [Warfare][戰火][EN][DVD] attachment lovemsc 09-6-2 94800 ocean24151 09-9-11 02:41 PM
[戰略] [戰錘40k:破曉之戰II][Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II][更新隱藏物品解鎖器][已測試] attachment  ...23456..9 火野亂太郎 09-2-16 16448965 Rw93 09-9-7 06:13 PM
[戰略] 多啦A夢大富翁下載 attachment agree  ...23456 皇毅 09-3-1 10235095 hkmg 09-9-6 11:55 AM
[戰略] (轉貼)鋼鐵的咆哮3 (更新了升級檔和免CD補丁) attachment agree  ...2 d4r0 09-8-3 3615433 tak12345 09-9-2 05:47 PM
[戰略] [紅色警戒III:起義時刻][Red Alert 3:Uprising][CN][5GB][已更新破解] attachment agree  ...234 火野亂太郎 09-3-13 6722484 tam64480441 09-8-30 11:10 AM
[戰略] [100MB光纖][紅色警戒III:起義時刻][Red Alert 3:Uprising][中英破解合版] attachment digest  ...23456..11 火野亂太郎 09-3-15 20752882 on99eatjj 09-8-26 01:41 PM
[戰略] 英雄連:勇氣傳說繁體中文版Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Big5 attachment joecsf1 09-6-18 116821 jackerk 09-8-17 02:28 AM
[戰略] [偉大時代:羅馬][Grand Ages: Rome][EN][DVD] attachment  ...2 火野亂太郎 09-2-26 2111365 達武 09-8-13 09:59 AM
[戰略] [帝國:全面戰爭][Empire Total War][EN][DVD][更新12號新破解][已測][推介] attachment agree  ...23456..14 火野亂太郎 09-3-4 27676085 tom2244 09-8-11 12:59 AM
[戰略] 【分享】三國志6-11合集加強繁體中文版8.84 GB - [閱讀權限 255] attachment 【翔少】 09-7-27 14855 kokapo 09-8-9 08:44 AM
[戰略] 《紀元1404:探索的開端(Dawn of Discovery)》[EN] attachment agree  ...23 qqyu888 09-7-9 5613609 pklung2007 09-7-31 09:27 PM
[戰略] 工人物語4 attachment ncm_man 09-3-4 66386 0916139448 09-7-25 03:14 PM
[戰略] [Elven Legacy][精靈遺產][EN][DVD][1.75G] attachment HHG 09-4-2 63974 卡塞︴“ 09-7-15 04:20 PM
[戰略] [自SEED]世紀帝國:羅馬霸主繁體中文破解硬盤版[RAR/40.16MB] attachment veve178 09-3-22 1717956 o晒嘴 09-7-8 11:06 PM
[戰略] [轉貼]WarCraft I 魔獸爭霸I attachment agree  ...2 veve178 09-5-15 215909 manchun112 09-7-7 09:51 AM


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