3 月 18, 2016
在〈【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週〉中留言功能已關閉
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【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

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 【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

I.戰況分析 Standings

LMS 是以 BO2(兩局積分制) 為常規賽制,獲勝取得 3 分,平局取得 1 分,敗局則是 0 分。
Regular season in LMS is played in BO2s, Winners are awarded 3pts, Draws 1pts, and Losses 0pts.

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

第七週依然無法解開季後賽資格的迷霧,唯有閃電狼跟 ahq 橫掃千軍分別獲得全勝 ,剩餘有機會晉升排名的戰隊皆以平手作收。MSE 面對 M17 打出漂亮的一戰,不管是前期與 reamer 搏鬥,或是在會戰中拉風箏大勝 M17,要不是關鍵的巴龍會戰中喪失了 50 秒重生時間, MSE很有可能直接拿下兩勝。HKE 與 M17 分別為季賽第四名與第五名,雙方只有 3 分的績分落差,本週原是季後賽資格的關鍵。 M17的選角組合缺乏輸出,唯有吉茵珂絲擔任主要火力,MapleSnow 的菲歐拉大殺四方讓 HKE 奪下一勝。第二場是 Apex 的個人秀,消耗 Rokenia 直到拿下中路領土。 TPA 第一場經歷 0 死傷的完勝,卻在第二場被 Rokenia 的納帝魯斯阻止,會戰中幾乎無法施展任何輸出最後與 HKE 1:1 平局。

Week 7 was overall an inconclusive week when it came to jockeying for a playoff position. Only the Flash Wolves and ahq pulled out convincing sweeps, while all the potential shakeups ended in draws. MSE had a massive showing versus M17, not only wrestling the early game from Dreamer away, but playing their kiting teamfight comps far better. If not for a mental slip up that cost them Baron and the game in a span of 50 seconds, MSE should have taken the 2:0. HKE vs. M17 had the potential to be a playoff decider, as the two teams sat in the 4th and 5th position with only a 3pt difference. M17 played a questionable composition that fielded only one damage source in Jinx, HKE overran them with MapleSnow’s Fiora killing slicing through the opposition. Game two was the Apex show, as he pushed through Rokenia’s exhaust to win the sidelines. TPA looked poised to sweep the series after a flawless game one(zero death’s), but Rokenia’s Nautilus put a stop to that, barely taking any damage in teamfights to wrestle HKE to another 1:1.

II.Meta 分析 Meta-Watch

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

源自於 LCK 的熱門選角,納帝魯斯銅牆鐵壁的坦型體質,讓 Maple 跟 Rokenia 兩人本周都祭出這隻深淵巨人,更不用提單靠鋼鐵怒濤 (E)所造成的範圍傷害。納帝魯斯零互動的推線在目前 meta 算是 Riot “極度平衡”的設定。巨人本周 100 % 出場率且 4 場中路全勝,希望承受 6.5 的 nerf 之後他不會離我們遠去。

Both Maple and Rokenia pulled out the Titian of the Depth this cruising to wins. A strategy popularized pick in LCK, Nautilus is is simply too tanky to burst down, while being able to wave clear near instantly with his base damages on Riptide(E). Nautilus is in many ways the embodiment of a PvE playstyle that Riot has deemed unhealthy. He’s won all four games mid, and had a 100% appearance rate this week. Hopefully the 6.5 nerfs will be in able to keep him in check.

“除了不能當 AD 打以外,要納帝魯斯走哪都行”
閃電狼分析師 – Fluidwind
“As long you’re not playing Nautilus AD, he works everywhere.”- Fluidwind, FW Analyst

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

最初 Olleh並不認為巴德是一位強勢的英雄,但看到 Aphromoo 和 Madlife 用巴德 carry 隊友後一切就改觀了。巴德的奇幻旅程 (E) 跟凝滯命域 (R) 讓 Olleh 能打出廣域的地圖 play, 這是其他 support 角無可比擬的。Olleh 也認為巴德是最適合用來下 call 的輔助角。

Originally, Olleh didn’t think Bard was a strong champion at first, but he was converted into a cosmic believer after watching Aphromoo and Madlife carry their teams with it. With his Magical Journey and Tempered Fate, Bard is capable of making map plays that no other supports offer. Olleh believes that it is a champion best suited for shotcalling supports, and that is a position he shares with Aphromoo and Madlife.

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

前幾個版本鏡爪被迫脫離戰場,貴為死亡的化身強勢回歸,袖裡又多了幾把新刀,噬魂擠掉戰神附魔成為打野新寵兒。根據 Karsa 的見解,鏡爪打野通常與坦型中路如納帝魯斯配合,此類中路角前期沒有大太作為,但後期能產生影響力,因此很適合噬魂的後期特性,尤其疊滿升級成煉魂之後更為強大。

Kindred is back after being globally banned in previous patches. The manifestations of death have also brought back new weapons, opting for Devourer’s over Warriors for jungle upgrades. According to Karsa,Kindred jungle is typically played with tankier champions mid, such as Nautilus. These champions don’t create much action early, but are usually capable of drawing the game out. Hence Devourer becomes more suitable for the composition for it’s late game power once stacked into Sated Devourer.

III. 每週 MVP Player of the Week

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

閃電狼 8 連勝為目前 LMS 本季連勝保持人,他們勢如破竹的在過去幾週以擊殺/死亡比 98:17 的耀眼戰績保持領先。其中很大一部分要歸功於 SwordArT 的甦醒,開季初期 SwordArT 並沒有太亮眼的表現,但近期以瑟雷西找到自己的節奏突破 7 連勝。從前 10 分鐘的經濟領先數據更能看到他的傑出表現,此輪以 111 領先全聯盟 SUP 選手。

Flash Wolves now hold the longest win streak at the LMS at 8. They are playing clean and fast dominating games with a kill to death ratio of 98:17 in the past few weeks. A lot of this has to do with resurgence of SwordArT as a player, although he started the season quiet, he is now back to his play making ways with 7 straight victories on Thresh, which allows him to make more early catches. His GD@10 reflects this, as he leads all supports with at 111 this round.

IV. 每週最精彩 Game of the Week

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 7 週

TPA 雖然經歷許多起起伏伏,但他們精準的戰術執行力依然令人嘖嘖稱奇,這場以寇格魔為核心的組合就是最好的佐證。首先他們 ban 掉 MapleSnow 的當家英雄酒桶與菲歐拉,放掉納帝魯斯並利用換線來對他進行集中壓制。露璐與鏡爪則在會戰中準確施展大招緩住對方,讓 BeBe 站著不動鋪天蓋地輸出傷害。TPA的選手和教練 Sim 可說是戰術執行的外科醫生。

TPA has seen its up and downs, but one thing you have to give them is that they’re probably the best team at executing game plans. This game was a clinic on how to play a Kog’Maw composition. They started by banning away threats such as Gragas and Fiora(a MapleSnow special), letting Nautilus through to target him heavily throughout the game in laneswaps. The teamfights were expertly handled as well with Kindred and Lulu layering their ultimates perfectly to allow BeBe to rain death upon his enemies while barely moving. TPA and Coach Sim are a textbook when it comes to game preparation.





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