6 月 9, 2021
在〈準備出動 !! 《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》 將於8月31日登陸 PlayStation®5、PlayStation®4 及 Nintendo Switch™ 平台 ‘Prepare for Dispatch!’ KeyWe launches August 31 on PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4 & Nintendo Switch〉中留言功能已關閉
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準備出動 !! 《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》 將於8月31日登陸 PlayStation®5、PlayStation®4 及 Nintendo Switch™ 平台 ‘Prepare for Dispatch!’ KeyWe launches August 31 on PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4 & Nintendo Switch

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[2021年06月07日, 香港]發行商 Game Source Entertainment (GSE) 宣布,由 Stonewheat & Sons 開發 及 Sold Out 全球發行的雙人合作郵政益智遊戲 《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》,將於8月31日正式登陸 PlayStation®5 、 PlayStation®4 及 Nintendo Switch™ 平台,本日亦率先公開預購特典內容 「早鳥禮包 (Early Bird Pack)」。

The mail must flow! Sold Out and Stonewheat & Sons are flapping with excitement to announce that adorable postal puzzler KeyWe will release August 31 on the PlayStation®5 (PS5) system, the PlayStation®4 system, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, the Nintendo Switch™ system and PC.

PS5 / PS4 / NS 《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》發售日PV (中文版) : https://youtu.be/slFo9TL0Feg
PS5 / PS4 / NS 《KeyWe》Release Date Trailer : https://youtu.be/slFo9TL0Feg
bilibili : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1c44y167F2/

由即日起到各大商店預購 《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》的玩家,將有機會獲得預購特典 – 「早鳥禮包 (Early Bird Pack)」,包含一系列額外的遊戲內容,其中包括:

●實驗郵政背包 (背部裝備) – 設計想法來自「貝爾比大學 (Belby University)」,是一個現代工程的奇蹟,擁有多種用途!當傑夫(Jeff) 和 黛布拉 (Debra) 背上這個有趣的小發明時,他們將會解鎖其新的目標,用以測試它的神秘功能,像是搜尋電磁干擾、收集靜電或減少飢餓等神奇作用,當然,同時還需要履行他們所身負的郵政職責!
●祖妮 (Zuni) 章魚寶寶 (背部裝備) – 擁有珍貴的粉紅色的章魚寶寶祖妮 (Zuni),它最喜歡做的事情就是待在傑夫 (Jeff) 和 黛布拉 (Debra) 的背上,陪伴它們一起執行郵政任務。牠保證信封上不會沾到任何的墨汁。
●鶴鴕面具 (頭部裝備) – 鶴鴕送貨隊以速度、耐力和頑強見稱,但他們的觀察能力並不出色。用這個可穿戴的面具能把自己偽裝成其中一份子。
●巴克 (Buck) 的濃密大鬍子 (頭部裝備) – 電信站站長 巴克 · 哈姆 (Buck Hamm) 是 傑夫(Jeff) 和 黛布拉 (Debra) 的老闆,牠是一個平易近人的郵政人員,有著多年的經驗和留著整齊的鬍鬚。恰巧,牠還具有很好的幽默感,所以他會欣賞他人利用鬍子、小鬍子、帽子、耳機和眼鏡來模仿他標誌性的外觀。

Plus, players who pre-order will receive access to the ‘Early Bird Pack’ at no additional cost — featuring a range of bonus in-game content, including:

●Experimental Postal Pack Backwear – From the minds at Belby University, the Experimental Postal Pack is a multi-purpose marvel of modern engineering! When Jeff & Debra wear this groovy gizmo, they’ll unlock new objectives to test its mysterious properties, like hunting magnetic disturbances, collecting static charges, or escaping hungry singularities, while still performing their postal duties, of course!
●Zuni the Baby Octopus Backwear – As precious as she is pink, Zuni the Baby Octopus would love nothing more than to ride along on Jeff and Debra’s back as they perform their postal duties. She promises not to get ink on any of the envelopes.
●Cassowary Cowl Facewear – The Telepost cassowary delivery team are known for their speed, stamina, and stubbornness. They are not known for their observational skills. Disguise yourself as one with this wearable mask.
●Buck’s Big Bushy Beard Facewear – Jeff and Debra’s boss is Telepost station chief Buck Hamm, a jovial postman with years of experience and a very well-groomed beard. Fortunately, he also has a good sense of humor, so he’ll probably appreciate the kiwis imitating his trademark look with this beard, moustache, hat, headset and glasses set.

Nintendo Switch™版本獨家內容
此外,Nintendo Switch版本的《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》將包括獨家的「薰衣草騎士」和「琥珀騎士」裝飾配件,讓玩家及郵政局回到中世紀時代。 為傑夫 (Jeff) 和 黛布拉 (Debra) 配備耀眼的頭盔和雄偉的盾牌,並挑戰「Telepost」以贏取「Bungalow Basin」的榮譽。

In addition, the Nintendo Switch version of KeyWe will include exclusive ‘Lavender Knight’ and ‘Amber Knight’ wardrobe accessories to let players go medieval on the mailroom. Equip Jeff and Debra with dazzling helmets and majestic shields, and tackle the Telepost for the honour of Bungalow Basin!

PlayStation®5版本將支援DualSense無線控制器的「觸覺反饋」和「自適應觸發器」技術,令玩家進一步沉浸到「Bungalow Basin」的世界之中,讓他們感受到拉緊彈弓時的繃緊張力,享受「泡泡紙」破裂時的愉快聲響,以及 傑夫 (Jeff) 和 黛布拉 (Debra)在郵寄室四處亂竄時的細小腳步聲。

The PlayStation 5 version will also take advantage of the DualSense wireless controller’s haptic feedback and adaptive triggers to immerse players further into the world of Bungalow Basin, letting them feel the tightening tension of slingshots, the satisfying ‘pop’ of popping bubble wrap and the pitter-patter of Jeff and Debra’s tiny feet as they scurry around the mailroom.

Stonewheat &Sons動畫師 – 喬爾·戴維斯 (Joel Davis) 說:「我們一直在嘗試創建溫馨而輕快的遊戲,讓親朋好友可以一起歡笑和享受。我們所創造豐富多彩的「Telepost」和獨一無二的員工亦非常有趣。我們急不及待地歡迎玩家於8月31日進入「Bungalow Basin」世界。」

“We’ve set our heart on making a warm, lighthearted game that friends and families can laugh at and enjoy together,” said Joel Davis, Animator at Stonewheat & Sons. “It’s been a blast creating the colorful Telepost and its unusual staff, and we can’t wait to welcome players to the world of Bungalow Basin on August 31.”

另外,Sold Out的高級產品經理- Katie Clark亦表示:「《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》是一款非常可愛的遊戲,非常適合與朋友和其他人一起玩。我們為Stonewheat &Sons整個團隊感到無比自豪,希望玩家能在遊戲中找到一些特別的東西,就像我們在SoldOut中一樣。」

“KeyWe is an outrageously adorable game to play with a friend,” added Katie Clark, Senior Product Manager at Sold Out. “We’re incredibly proud of the whole team at Stonewheat & Sons and hope players will see something special in this game, the same way we do at Sold Out.”

《關鍵奇異鳥 (KeyWe)》是一款可愛又混亂的雙人合作益智遊戲,玩家將扮演兩隻新西蘭的小奇異鳥 – 傑夫(Jeff)和 黛布拉(Debra),在古怪有趣的「郵局」內負責郵遞工作,由於沒有其他可靠的幫手,所以牠們只好通過在各種按鈕上蹦跳來打電報、利用鳥喙來搬運信件 及 利用屁股把標籤貼到包裹或信件,務求在各種惡劣的環境及極端天氣下將信件和包裹準時送達客人的手上。

KeyWe is a cute and chaotic co-op game starring Jeff and Debra, two small kiwi birds working in a fun and frantic mailroom. With no hands to help them, they must jump, flap, peck and butt-slam their way across an interactive landscape of levers, bells and buttons to type telegrams, ship packages and send urgent messages to keep the mail flowing.


Key Features:
●Mailroom mayhem – Take on the role of a postal-working kiwi bird and partner up with a friend to type out telegrams, send urgent messages, ship packages and keep the mail flowing.
●Cute, chaotic co-op – Buddy up on the couch or flock online in chaotic co-op.
●Adorable single-player – Control both kiwi birds on a single controller to venture out on a solo mail service adventure.
●Perilous postal environments – Navigate mailroom desks and shipping rooms to become a master of the mail service.
●Seasonal silliness – Encounter hazards caused by wintery weather, autumnal thunderstorms and more on the way to becoming postal pros.
●Customizable kiwis – Change the color of your kiwi’s feathers and unlock new accessories – because kiwi birds look cute in little hats!
– 完 –
關於 Game Source Entertainment
Game Source Entertainment 是位於香港的亞洲區主機遊戲發行商及代理商,亦是iTunes以及Google Inc. Gift Card 合作伙伴。目前已於PlayStation®4 / PlayStation®5 / Nintendo Switch™/ Xbox One 以及上世代主機平台上推出超過100款中文化遊戲。


GSE官方YouTube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/c/GAMESOURCEENTERTAINMENT 
GSE官方微博專頁 : https://www.weibo.com/hkgse



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