1 月 28, 2016
在〈【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週〉中留言功能已關閉
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【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

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【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

I. 本週戰況

LMS 是以 BO2(兩局積分制) 為常規賽制,獲勝取得 3 分,平局取得 1 分,敗局則是 0 分。
Regular season in LMS is played in BO2s, Winners are awarded 3pts, Draws 1pts, and Losses 0pts.

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

下雪的台北不是本週唯一的冬季奇蹟,還得把連贏閃電狼兩場的 XGamers 給算進去。 XGamers 中路新人 SuwaKo 的絕佳表現以及閃電狼的失誤,讓 XG 從升降賽戰隊晉升為極具威脅性的聯盟超新星。另一方面,其它隊伍的戰況也是同等激烈,Machi 瓦解了正在經歷選手變動的 MSE,AHQ 在幾次 3v5 以寡擊眾的會戰中頑強地打敗 HKE。 閃電狼啟用新上路選手Rins並在會戰中擊敗 TPA,CGE在本週依然無法爬出落敗的深淵,同時明星選手 jeffeRy 也轉至 HKE,下週還要對上 AHQ 跟閃電狼,CGE 眼前的路可說是充滿阻礙。本週 LMS 賽事提早一天,賽程從星期三進行到星期五,各位觀眾別忘了提早收看喔!

Snowflakes in Taipei could only rank as the second anomaly this week, as XGamers shocked the world by taking down Flash Wolves, 2-to-0. Rallying behind their new mid laner SuwaKo and playing off missteps of the Wolves, XGamers has earned the best start we’ve seen from a promotion team. Meanwhile, Machi pulverized a Midnight Sun team that is still going through roster changes, and AHQ fended off HKE with some ridiculous 3v5 teamfight wins. Flash Wolves beat out TPA in teamfights and welcomed their new top laner Rins to the party. CGE continued on their downward spiral, going winless in week 2 while letting go of their star player jeffeRy to HKE. The coming week looks even bleaker as they take on AHQ and FW. Remember to tune in a day earlier as LMS moves to Wednesday through Friday this week.

II. Meta 分析

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

Rins 在擔任一年的練習生後,本週首次登場並選擇菲歐拉上路迎戰,前期 Rins 頂住敵方的換線戰術後開始在中期會戰大爆發,刀刀斃命讓 TPA 後排無法招架。Rins 選手處女戰就以單場雙三連殺的驚人表現打出名號,且閃電狼隊史僅有 5 次上路傷害比中路 Maple 還要高。

Year long trainee Rins made his debut this week, bringing in Fiora into the top lane. Enduring a quiet lane swap, Rins exploded in teamfights, slicing his way through TPA’s backline. Rin’s impressive debut marks the first time a player has recorded two triple kills in a single game this season, and only the 5th time in Flash Wolves’ LMS history where the top laner has out damaged Maple mid.

“He kept telling me he was Vietnamese, I didn’t understand how a Vietnamese could type Chinese, I only knew in the end that he was Maple.” -Rins, on how he became a Flash Wolves member


【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

任何對線期想爆發一波傷害的英雄,塞恩是不會乖乖就範的。我們的不死火車頭是對上麗珊卓的 counter 首選,對線和逼塔在本週賽事皆獲得優勢。XG 對上閃電狼大戰中賽恩也是一大功臣,楓棠的 GP 壞血症療法 (W) 加身也無法阻擋火車頭活生生輾過閃電狼的王座。

Sion is a terrific lane bully to champions that try to chip or burst him down. The Undead Juggernaut is Nexus’ go-to counter pick against Lissandra, winning him lane and forcing the enemy tower both times this week. Sion also helped XG dethrone the Wolves by running over Maple’s Gangplank and his barrels. Oranges can remove scurvy, but they can’t stop an oncoming train.

“我們賭了一把,賭楓棠已經很久沒玩 GP,看來是成功了”
-XG 教練 Atu
“We made a gamble that Maple hadn’t touched Gangplank for a while. It paid off.” – XG Coach Atu

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

Dreamer 顧名思義就是啟發人們追尋夢想,高飛的夢想。他的亞歷斯塔讓 MSE 本週整整 205 秒的時間被控場震飛,單場總擊殺 21 死的比賽中參與了每一次擊殺,更沒有 fail 任何 WQ 連招。考慮到 XF Suki 跟 M17 Dreamer 雙雙用牛頭酋長展現驚人成績,就不難想像為何亞歷斯塔在本季依然有百分之百的出場率了。

Dreamer is inspiring people to reach for their dreams, by…well, keeping them in the air. His Alistar gave MSE 205 seconds of airtime this week(Total CC time dealt), took part in every single kill in a 20+ kill game, while never failing his WQ combo, not even once. With both XG Suki and M17 Dreamer turning in massive Minotaur performances, it’s not hard to appreciate why Alistar still has a 100% appearance rate this season.

“可能很多人不知道,但 Dreamer 是戰隊之間公認本季最強的 Support”
-閃電狼分析師 Fluidwind
“I don’t think many people realize, but the consensus among teams is that Dreamer is the best LMS support this season.” – FW Analyst Fluidwind

Player to Watch

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

XGamers 原本只是升降賽中最後一秒成軍的隊伍,當時就算擊敗橘子熊也沒有獲得太多外界的期望,但本週開始他們卻穩坐全聯盟第二的寶座,僅次於 AHQ。中路 SuwaKo 正是這支隊伍的核心人物,主攻強勢 AD 中路角的他具有會戰視野的天分,這在新人中是非常少見的。年僅 17 歲的 SuwaKo 大膽卻精準的風格讓他以全聯盟最高每分鐘英雄傷害 (DPM) 和三場 MVP 的佳績拿下 Week 2 最佳選手的頭銜。

XGamers were a last second roster coming into the promotion tournament, even when they clawed their way past Gash Bears there were no expectations. Now they sit at 2nd in the rankings, behind only AHQ. SuwaKo has been the centerpiece for this team, playing mainly lane dominant AD’s(Ezreal, Corki) mid. He is gifted in his teamfight vision, something that most rookies struggle with, and isn’t afraid to force the issue by placing himself in the enemy’s path. Daring and precise, the 17 year old leads all players in Damage dealt to Champions per Minute(DPM), while also earning three game MVP’s this week. XG SuwaKo is our top performer for week 2.

“SuwaKo 成功的在 AD 中路 meta 中找到自己的定位” – MisTakE
“SuwaKo has really found his own niche in the meta on AD mids.” – MisTakE

IV. 每週最精彩
Game to Watch

AHQ vs. HKE, Game 2

【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 2 週

我向各位保證,下週我一定會挑一場以策略性為主的精采比賽而不是高度娛樂性質,但本週還是讓我們繼續享受 AHQ 帶來的誇張表現吧。這場比賽完全是在於收拾自己的爛攤子,首先 Chawy 下了錯誤的 TP call 葬送自己和隊友讓 HKE 以 4-1 領先,但 HKE 錯失良機,反常地沒有乘勝追擊而放任 AHQ 製造零星的遭遇戰,讓 AHQ 逐漸從逆風反擊。一定要提的是當 Mountain 和 Chawy 在 29 分的時候死亡,AHQ 不但沒有等親愛的隊友復活,反而決定以 3 vs. 5 的陣容與 HKE 在防禦塔下轟轟烈烈地拼一場。沒有任何正常的戰隊會做出這樣的決定,應該也沒有其他戰隊能在如此劣勢中成功反打。 毫無疑問的, AHQ 用會戰證明他們絕對是本週最精彩賽事。

I promise next week I’ll pick a game that is about strategy rather than entertainment… but for now, let’s just enjoy another ridiculous AHQ game. This game is about climbing out of holes you dug for yourself. Chawy set the stage with a miserable teleport, killing himself and giving a 4-1 lead to HKE. HKE then uncharacteristically settled for skirmishes rather than just grouping with their massive advantages, giving AHQ a way back into the game. The highlight however, comes when Mountain and Chawy are caught and killed(29 min). Instead of waiting out timers, the rest of AHQ decide to engage 3 vs. 5 against HKE while turret diving. No sane team would make that call, and probably no other team could have won that fight. AHQ proves why they’re a notch above the rest this week with their teamfighting.

“Supporting An is really tiring.” – Albis, on his MVP of the game thoughts.

“Support 小安真的很累。” – Albis





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